Bardi giving expert advice about “The Great Resignation” on ABC News
Bardi Toto helps corporations incorporate Gratitude into their business transforming the workplace with gratitude. This includes corporate training, including Sales and she also speaks on how employees can benefit from gratitude.
Bardi uses her skillset and Knowledge to help organizations, leaders, and teams. implementing gratitude helps prevent burnout, increases revenue for the company and helps create a stronger sense of belonging at work. Transforming the workplace with gratitude is especially critical because it satisfies the higher psychological need to feel a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves–to feel a sense of meaning at work.
This desire for meaning at work is part of an organizational and psychological shift toward a more human workplace, rooted in gratitude, where employees feel appreciated, valued, respected, and empowered to reach their fullest potential.
Gratitude goes hand in hand with the act of giving recognition. When we recognize one another, it makes us even more appreciative and inspires the person we’ve thanked to give that feeling to someone else, leading to a happiness, well-being, morale, energy, and engagement–all of which directly influence performance, productivity, and retention.
This is the gratitude effect: a ripple of acknowledgment and appreciation that surges forward, transforming and inspiring us, and improving business outcomes.
Bardi teaches sales teams how to come from a point of inspiration vs desperation. Build long term business development relationships instead of coming from a point of selling or sounding “SALESY”. This comes from her world renowned program How to Sell without Selling.
Gratitude increases revenue, prevents burnout and keeps employees from not leaving. Right now with the great resignation this is critical for businesses.
“Psychologists have scientifically proven that one of the greatest contributing factors to overall happiness in your life is how much gratitude you show”